
Our Blog

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Win a Weber Q2000 from Global Water!

Get the chance to win a Weber Q2000 barbeque by placing an order with Global Water!

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How Flushable Wipes Damage Pumps and Treatment Plants

Flushable wipes cause major damage to pumps, wastewater treatment plants and their components. It is estimated that the Australian Water Services is spending a minimum of A$15 million annually in combating this problem. 75% of all blockages are now attributable in some way to people flushing wet wipes into the sewers. But it isn’t just the commercial and public sectors where flushable wet wipes are causing problems, even in home plumbing and pump systems, they are costing home owners thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance costs. The good news is there are actions that companies and individuals can take to avoid becoming victims of these damages.

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Celebrating 40 Years of Excellence

Take the Virtual Tour of Global Group with Managing Director Kevin Seeley

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Global Water appointed regional distributor of Muffin Monster

Waste treatment plants and collections systems are being inundated with tougher, more durable debris than ever before, making it critical that powerful and low maintenance solids handling and screening systems of the highest reliability are installed. With numerous installations already in Australia, JWC equipment has proved itself to be up to this task.

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7 Things to Know Before Buying a Pump Station

Discover everything there is to know before buying a pump station in our eBook download. Gain insights into the selection process, understand and be able to answer technical questions and learn about the different varieties on offer.


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